Credit Card Sign Up Journey

Credit Card Sign Up Journey

Client: Barclays

Project Definition:

Bring the current credit card application process within the Barclays Mobile App

Tools Used:

Sketch, Axure, Omnigraffe

Project details:

The current form that exists today to a customer sits on the domain. As a Current account customer using the Barclays Mobile App, should you wish to apply for a credit card you are re-directed out of the app into a responsive form, that is long and cumbersome to use, the conversion rate currently sits at 3%.

To start the project we took screenshots of the entire existing journey and and analysed how it looked and felt using some guerilla testing. Throughout the project I worked alongside the Senior Digital product owners and BA's to understand any goals and outcomes they wished to achieve.

User journey flow created:

OLAF User Journey
New design:

Below are some of the designs that were created using Sketch using the design language, some of the improvements over the current design were the following

  • Progress bar to indicate where a customer is within the journey
  • Pre-poulating relevant customer information where possible
  • Splitting out the content from the current scrolling form design into easier manageable sections

The below screens showcase what happens when a customer is successful in applying for a Barclaycard, but has an issue with the balance transfer they have requested.

The new design I have created handles each one individually, as opposed to overloading the customer with all 5 entries in one long form, thus losing the customers focus on how to amend the details

  • Customer can click on on each individual Balance transfer or clear it if they so wish using the "'X"
  • Inlline validation indicates the total amount they can transfer 
  • Once all correct warning icons turn to ticks and continue button becomes enabled.

These are edge sceanrios but all still have to be taken into consideration to create a good user experience.



User testing:

After the designs were created, I inputted them all into Axure to create an interactive prototype for the purposes of testing. I worked alongside out in-house research agency to complie a list of questions and outcomes we wished to achieve.

Following on from the lab based testing, some small tweaks were made to improve the journey further

An interactive prototype prototype link is available on request