Software Experience

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4 Years experience using Figma for UX/UI Design, Experience in helping develop the new Design System within UBS moving across from Sketch/Axure. Also used at my time in London Stock Exchange

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8 Yrs Experience, used as the primary UX/UI tool throughout 3yrs at VCCP/Wearebenadette on the O2 Transformation Project, also used at Barclays for creating the new Oneapp, combining the Barclaycard and Barclays App into one.

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10 yrs Experience, Started out using Axure at Dixons Carphone in 2013, then VWFS, then O2 in 2016, carried on throughout my time at Keytree creating interactive prototypes on the Severn Trent Water project and also for ARM, continued to use until I left for Barclays in 2018. Also used again in 2023 at my time in UBS,

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Used as a design tool throughout a project for Barclays, doing some freelance work for them in 2021.

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Used on personal projects and a couple of projects for Barclays to showcase it's use, before descisions were made to fully adopy other software.

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Great tool pre Figma for creating userjourneys, used at my time at Barclays/Barclaycard and other Ad-hoc projects

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Used at london Stock Exchange as a quick tool for mockups/user journeys, before going into Figma design

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Used throughout various projects pre Figma/Miro mainly, for collaboarition between various teams

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The first UX tool I used, for quick easy mockups to showcase design ideas and flows

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Long before there were UX design tools, there was Visio, used on projects in the early days for ING Direct to showcase basic ideas and page redesigns

Other Skills

  • Customer journey mapping / User flows
  • User personas
  • Waterfall/Agile Metholodolgies
  • User testing (Running moderation sessions)
  • Project management and other skills
  • HTML5/CSS Experience in former roles
  • Office Applications
  • Miro
  • Jira
  • Confluence
  • User Research