Three - Photo ID

Employee Dashboard

Client: Three Mobile - 2019

Project Definition:

Look at incorporating Photo ID into the customer checkout for new customers, this would hopefully speed up the capturing of details to save the customer inputting information

Tools Used:

Axure, Sketch

Project details:

I worked within a team as the only UX resource for this project, it was mobile upwards incoporating all 4 main breakpoints

User Journey


As part of the process It was important to let customers understand what would be required

  • Consent form around GDPR
  • Strong use of Iconogragpy to help customer understand what kind of documents they need
  • Easy to follow process with help and guideance about how to caputre photos 
Photo ID 1

As the customer continues

  • Feedback telling the customer what is happening
  • Strong success and failure messages with how the customer can proceed
  • The ability to edit information should something capture be incorrect
Photo ID 2

Desktop Considerations

As part of the desktop process there is a handover from Desktop to Mobile, the following needed to be considered

  • Allowing the customer to recieve a link to start the mobile capture process on their device
  • Allowing the customer to see what is happening on the desktop journey while the mobile is capturing the photo

Send Link
Front ID document uploaded

User testing

Ultimately customers were unsure if Photo ID added any extra benefit to the completion of such journeys, a full breakdown of the User testing report created can be found here User testing report